A compassionate approach with real solutions

Struggling with pain can be challenging for both patients and doctors. Because pain involves both physical and emotional components, having chronic pain can cause complex effects involving not just physical sensations but our emotions, thoughts and moods. As the problem continues, these interactions may become increasingly tangled. Patients can end up having to go from doctor to doctor in their search for a solution.

Once pain has become complicated to manage, it is important to work with someone who specializes in untangling this knot. My medical practice is focused exclusively on helping people with complex pain issues. My experience has led me to believe that every pain situation can be successfully managed with the right approach. 

Effective treatment

I can help you regain control of your life through a compassionate and comprehensive treatment plan developed with you through private and confidential videoconferencing. This plan will appropriately address each of the emotional and physical issues related to your pain—a whole-person approach that is much more likely to be effective than, for example, merely altering medication dosage. The treatment plan may include:

  1. The use of Opioid Therapy when appropriate.

  2. The use of non-opioid pain medications that reduce the way pain is transmitted and processed in the nervous system

  3. Medications to address issues like anxiety and depression.

  4. Evaluation and treatment of the medical consequences of pain and opioid use that are responsible for many of the common complaints like fatigue, insomnia and sexual dysfunction.

  5. Counseling and behavioral therapy to give patients the tools they need to constructively deal with negative emotions and behaviors.

  6. Referrals to physical therapy to address any decline in physical functioning that people with chronic medical problems often experience.

By breaking things down into their component parts, even the biggest problem becomes manageable. We have the knowledge, skills and insight do just that and develop a simple plan with you that fits your goals and values.